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Story for the first time (No. 6)

`` Trigger! 』\

* Momentum to start things. Opportunities and motives (in the Japanese dictionary ...).

I think there is a "trigger" to start anything.

Everyone has the opportunity and motivation to start something.

The "trigger" for starting cigars was the general manager's office of a foreign-affiliated hotel that I happened to visit for work.

The foreign manager said, "Is there a good cigar? How about one?" ← This is English! Probably said so www

I recommended the cigar in the box to me. (I often recommended it to young people who are 40 years old)

A situation like a scene from a movie! !!

I can't say that the reason for refusing is no thank you ...

Let's imitate and take a break in the manager's room! !!

I don't think it's possible now.

I don't remember how it was cut or lit, but ...

At that time, the manager said, "I'm thinking of having a cigar party at the hotel soon ..."

I remember what I was told ...

I was working as a subcontractor to help the hotel business, so I had no reason to decline (laughs)

That's good. .. Like I said by all means ← This is also in English! Do you doubt if it was transmitted?

In the car on the way back, my head was fluttering ...

But if you want to go to a cigar party, I'll go.

None of my friends at the time liked cigars, they were just interested and work-oriented.

I wondered how light it was (impure "Kikake?").

Later, as mentioned in (1), I went to buy a cigar ...

Is it fashionable, like it's attached? "Getting started! But it's a fact.

But without such a sudden opportunity or motive, I might have had nothing to do with cigars for the rest of my life ...

But I really want to participate in a cigar party! !!

What kind of party it was? .. ..

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